Words that End in R: Exciting R Words for Kids | LUCA (2024)

Introduce your 6-year-old to sentences with words that end in 'r'! Below are examples crafted with key words.

During the fall season, the hunter goes looking for deer.

Being a believer means having faith in something you can't always see.

At Career Day, we learned about what an officer does to help people.

I knew it was my dog who caused the bad odor in the room.

Breweries are places where beer is made, and they can be found in many cities around the world.

In a school play, each student who acts in the show is a performer showcasing their talent.

When you learn to ride a bike without training wheels, you become a master cyclist.

The sailor's job is to operate and maintain a ship or boat.

A basketball player dribbles the ball down the court to try and score points.

Soldiers wear uniforms to show they belong to a specific military unit.

The polite way to address a man is by saying "sir".

Please let me know if something is bothering you so we can try to fix it together.

The creator of the new cartoon series is excited to share it with kids around the world.

As a learner, Sarah enjoys reading new books and discovering exciting stories.

Grandma is coming to visit us next week, she will be our special visitor.

Correct grammar helps everyone understand what we say and write.

The traveler explored new cities and tried delicious foods during the journey.

Either we can read a story now or play a game.

Mrs. Johnson taught us that it's important to control our temper and be kind to others.

I asked if my friend wanted to play soccer or basketball, but he said neither.

The bike rider wore a helmet to stay safe while riding.

The moon shines with a silver light at night.

When you play pretend, you act like a character from your favorite movie.

It's important to chew with your mouth closed, that's good manners.

The baby tried to smother her teddy bear with hugs and kisses.

"Whatever" means you don't care about something or don't know what to choose.

In the circus, the joker wears a colorful costume and entertains the audience.

When we go to the park, we can gather leaves for our art project.

Sometimes people have to work hard to overcome their challenges and improve their lives, like the story of the poor cinderella.

The rear of the house had a beautiful garden with blooming flowers and chirping birds.

Let's put the story cards in the right order to make a proper story.

Dad had to steer the car carefully to avoid the potholes on the road.

When you feel "anger," it's like a big, red balloon filling up inside you.

If you ever feel hunger during school, tell your teacher and she will give you a snack.

The gardener takes care of the garden by removing weeds and ensuring the plants get enough sunlight.

A fighter jet zoomed across the sky during the air show, leaving a trail of smoke.

My mom is the speaker for our family meetings; she tells us stories and teaches us new things.

My favorite flavor of juice is apple because it tastes sweet and refreshing.

I prefer chocolate ice cream over vanilla.

Remember, being a loser today doesn't mean you won't be a winner tomorrow!

My mom is a volunteer at the animal shelter, helping take care of the dogs and cats.

The school choir sang beautifully at the holiday concert.

The baker's shop was filled with the delicious aroma of cookies and cakes.

After picking out toys, Sarah handed her money to the cashier to buy them.

Bakers use flour to make bread, cakes, and cookies.

The carpenter used strong timber to build a sturdy table for the kitchen.

Before we move to the next chapter, let's make sure we understand what we just read.

Have you ever seen a rainbow after it rains?

Carrying a heavy backpack can hamper your ability to run fast during recess.

The banker helped people open savings accounts to keep their money safe.

The worker fixed the broken swing at the playground.

John's favorite superhero is Batman because he is very popular.

Martin Luther King Jr. was a great leader who fought for equal rights.

In the news, a rare black panther was spotted in the forest, captivating many people.

The thermometer helps us measure how hot or cold something is.

You can visit the library whenever you want to borrow a new book.

After playing outside, the children gathered for a delicious supper with their families.

When I accidentally put salt instead of sugar in the cookies, that was an error.

The dog had a shiny red collar around its neck with a little bell attached.

Mummy baked some cookies, and when I came back from playing, they suddenly appeared on the table.

We have our snack time after story time in class.

Build a tower with your blocks and see how tall you can make it!

The bear enjoyed the friendly atmosphere at the bar and made new friends while sipping on his drink.

Sitting in his cozy armchair, Timmy enjoyed reading his favorite picture book.

The dancer twirled gracefully on stage during the ballet performance.

The friendly passenger sitting next to me shared their snacks during the long journey.

Your teddy bear is not on this shelf, maybe look further down.

He said he would rather go to the park than stay home.

The pitcher on the news said that tomorrow's weather would be sunny and warm.

In the news, a decision maker is a person who chooses what stories to share with the public.

In history class, we learned about ancient walls that were built to protect borders.

The mailman will deliver our letters to grandma.

The little girl wandered through the park, exploring all the different flowers.

My baby sister is a little youngster, she loves to crawl and babble.

The preacher at the church tells stories from the Bible to teach us about kindness and love.

Whoever finishes their homework first can choose a game to play during recess.

Would you do me a favor and pass me the toy?

On Sundays, families gather to listen to the pastor's stories and teachings.

The center of a circle is the point right in the middle.

Words that End in R: Exciting R Words for Kids | LUCA (2024)
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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.